kite surfing tests and reports


Kites&Kite surfing tests&reports

Kites Tests
Air Ram Injection

Boards Tests
Wake board style

Accessories Tests

Peter Lynn Waterfoil
kite tests and reports I have found, from my own experience, from others and snippets from what I have read ,if I have infringed anyone's copyright please tell me and I will remove the info or give the author full credit, but due to the amount of bull shit that is talked about in this sport usually from people that have only used or tried to use one product I thought it would be a nice touch to share this info with you. I have been kite surfing now for 2 years and sure can't say I am a expert but I can jump a little, jybe and generally get about ,so maybe this is more for the general public rather than the experts out there. Luckily I have the use of a lot of kites, and equipment so have now had a broad range of info I have gathered. I will add info as I go I hope, but please mail me at


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